Top 10 Galician omelettes
How do you like them? Soft, yolky, dry or crunchy….I think I like them all and after reading this article, I know what I’m having for lunch today!
How do you like them? Soft, yolky, dry or crunchy….I think I like them all and after reading this article, I know what I’m having for lunch today!
Who would have thought that canned food could come into fashion?! If you are in London or NY watch out for Tincan. These architects have managed to bring canned food to a new level in a kitchen-less waste-less successful restaurant. We have ourselves mixed mussel-producing tradition and architecture, but we must say that when it comes to seafood, we’d rather have the real thing while enjoying the sea breeze. In any case, well done for an innovative concept.
We have always been intrigued with the Galician Celt connection. We keep hearing about DNA studies and Galicia as the 7th Celt nation, with the others being Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Cornwall, Isle of Mann and Brittany.
We don’t know for sure how much of this is true, but as music lovers, we do believe that music carries a strong historical legacy…. and Bagpipes don’t lie. So check out Carlos Nunez new album and tell us what you think. He is performing this Wednesday in Scotland, next week in Austria and then on Tour in the US.
Here is a link to one of his songs that was in the soundtrack of Mar Adentro (The Sea Inside) from Amenabar. The film is based on a real story and filmed in Rias Baixas. One of the main characters, Ramona Castro lives in Riberiña, so when you come to Dezanove House and have a walk around the village you might come across her and she is always happy to talk about the true story!. Here is the soundtrack. Enjoy the Celt music connection!
La Coruña has been featured today in the Herald Sun, Australia. Read more about it at